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At Bat First we pride ourselves on excellent customer service. Once you receive your goods and if for any reason are not satisfied with your purchase, we offer a 14 day returns policy. The 14 days starts from the day you take delivery of your purchase.

Any items returned must be in the original/satisfactory condition. Once we have received the returned good and the goods have been inspected, we will issue a full refund, this refund will apply to your original purchase debit/credit card for the price of the item(s) returned.

Please note that we only accept returns if the goods are returned in a satisfactory condition and you will be liable for any other services provided to you in connection with your original purchase, for example “knocking in” and delivery costs.

We have the right to reject any goods that we deem to be defective, tampered with or used and this may incur additional administration and return delivery charges.
If you are returning items due to error on our part, we will be happy to refund the delivery, other services and charges incurred by you in sending the item back to us

For your protection, we recommend that you use a recorded-delivery service. Please note that you will be responsible for the costs of returning the goods to us unless we delivered the item to you in error, or the item is faulty.